PUFF | English meaning
4 天前 · to praise or advertise a product in order to increase sales: He was at the festival to puff his new movie.
PUFF in Traditional Chinese
PUFF translate: 呼吸, 喘氣, 吸煙, 吸(煙),抽(煙), 少量, 吹,噴出,冒出, 少量, 一小口(煙霧),一小股(空氣), 蛋糕, 泡芙,鬆餅, 讚揚, 吹捧文字,吹捧的言論, 呼吸, ...
Puff Definition & Meaning
PUFF meaning: 1 : to breathe smoke from a cigarette, pipe, etc., in and out of the lungs; 2 : to produce or send out small clouds of smoke or steam.
PUFF definition and meaning
puff · 1. a short quick draught, gust, or emission, as of wind, smoke, air, etc, esp a forceful one · 2. the amount of wind, smoke, etc, released in a puff · 3.
PUFF Definition & Meaning
noun · a short, quick blast, as of wind or breath. · an abrupt emission of air, smoke, vapor, etc. · an act of inhaling and exhaling, as on a cigarette or pipe; ...
Synonyms of puff - Merriam
1. as in to gasp to breathe hard, quickly, or with difficulty he came running up the stairs puffing and wheezing.
puff verb
puff · to breathe in a noisy way because you are very tired. Jack was huffing and puffing to keep up with her. · to make it obvious that you are annoyed about ...